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    Currently displaying 1 item: Berthulda's Greataxe
    Berthulda's Greataxe
    Berthulda's Greataxe

    Class: Axe
    Rarity: Exceptional
    Equip: Both Hands

    Initiative: -5
    To Hit: -6
    Damage: 8 - 18
    Type of Damage: Melee (Slashing)
    Durability: 1,500 * quality
    Primary Skill: Axe Fighting
    Secondary Skill: Cleaving

    Temporary Skills:
    +1 Axe Fighting * quality level
    +0.7 Cleaving * quality level
    +1 Two Handed Fighting * quality level
    Average value:
    Grand Master:1 Gold20 Silver
    Grail:9 Gold54 Silver10 Bronze