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Currently displaying 3 Inventory Objects: Type - Bread and Candy

Type: Bread and Candy
Weight: 0.00 Wgt
Average price: 20 Bronze
Info: A decent meal that removes your hunger. Bread can be taken while traveling outside the town.
Bread is the common food for the simple peasant to the hallowed Grail Lords. It fills your hunger and is usally cheap to get.


Type: Bread and Candy
Weight: 0.00 Wgt
Average price: 38 Bronze
Info: Lovely candy that improves your mood however, it does not reduce your hunger.
Lovely candy that improves your mood in a positive way! Plopcorn does not remove any hunger points!


Type: Bread and Candy
Weight: 0.00 Wgt
Average price: 78 Bronze
Info: Small but tasty chocolate that melts in your mouth and instantly gives you 10 Stamina.
Small but tasty chocolate that melts in your mouth! Instantly gives you 10 Stamina.