Town Heraldry


~Loyal to the End~
The Town Leader is: Avatar of nadamor (6620) nadamor

Active Citizens: 99
Total Citizens: 230
+ [See Grail Token donators]

Consult the map of the Realm
Azetyth is located at -25x and 5y.
Required Reputation to join: 4,000.
Tax for citizens: 2%
Tax for visitors: 4%
The Council of Azetyth
1:Town Leader: Avatar of nadamor (6620) nadamor
2:Mayor's Assistant: Avatar of mini Roos (6099) mini Roos
3:Town Herald: Avatar of Naedremraf (6622) Naedremraf
4:Supreme Justicer: Avatar of Cyprane (6720) Cyprane
5:Supreme Gatekeeper: Avatar of SirGyzmo (1766) SirGyzmo
6:No rights yet :P: Avatar of dsfrr1 (7805) dsfrr1
7:Supreme Rancher: Avatar of Naedremraf (6622) Naedremraf
8:Supreme Professor: Avatar of Ulysses (7653) Ulysses
9:Supreme Healer: Avatar of Aurora (1330) Aurora
10:Demeter: Avatar of Maranatha (3250) Maranatha
11:Supreme Marketeer: Avatar of ironhawk (7214) ironhawk
12:Doña Quijote: Avatar of Charlotte (6430) Charlotte