Town Heraldry


"Together We Aspire, Together We Achieve"
The Mayor is: Avatar of Sakura (3994) Sakura

Active Citizens: 153
Total Citizens: 437
+ [See Grail Token donators]

Consult the map of the Realm
Camaar is located at -13x and -8y.
Required Reputation to join: 3,000.
Tax for citizens: 0%
Tax for visitors: 0%
The Council of Camaar
1:Mayor: Avatar of Sakura (3994) Sakura
2:Deputy Mayor: Avatar of King david (4975) King david
3:Herald: Avatar of Lady Margarite (3228) Lady Margarite
4:Justice of the Peace: Avatar of Rynold (1629) Rynold
5:Gate Marshal: Avatar of Nox Vigilo (3999) Nox Vigilo
6:Career Advisor: Avatar of Tormentus (6063) Tormentus
7:Ranch Overseer: Avatar of Maurice (5428) Maurice
8:Academy Provost: Avatar of Maurice (5428) Maurice
9:Master Healer: Avatar of TheTad (4954) TheTad
10:Field Planner: Avatar of guillerm (6267) guillerm
11:Treasurer: Avatar of Baron von Glasenapp (20) Baron von Glasenapp
12:Master Miller: Avatar of livdera (4799) livdera