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Currently displaying 4 Creatures: Combat Level - 9
Deep Sea Devil
Level: 9
Area: Water
Type: Beast
The Sea Devil is a vicious predator hunting smaller fish. It's tail can easily pierce skin, leather or scales. Despite the danger, Sea Devils are much wanted as it tastes rather delicious.

Dire Ram
Level: 9
Area: Mountains
Type: Beast
The Dire Ram is far family of the domesticated Ram but the hearse conditions in the mountains forced the animal to grow more muscle and quickly toughen up.

Goblin Skirmisher
Level: 9
Area: Road
Type: Greenskin
Goblin Skirmishers are sly fighters that often act as scouts. In battle they form unorganized loose groups that harass the enemy troops and flee as soon the battle turns against them.

Raging Bull
Level: 9
Area: Plains
Type: Animal
A wild, raging bull blindly attacking anything that crosses it's path. The bull probably broke loose from one of the ranches around the town.