List of Creatures [4]
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Currently displaying 4 Creatures: Combat Level - 3
Level: 3
Area: Forest
Type: Animal
A cute and innocent creature that snuffs for some food

Giant Rat
Level: 3
Area: Town
Type: Vermin
Larger and more aggressive than ordinary rats these rodents can form a challenge for commoners and inexperienced adventures to handle. Especially as they rarely are seen alone...

Mud Crab
Level: 3
Area: Water
Type: Animal
A small, slow creature with a hard shell that offers great protection. Many mud crabs can be found at the shores and around salt water. The crab meat remains a delicacy in the Realm.

Level: 3
Area: Road
Type: Criminal
Thugs are little more than grown-up bullies. Their strength might compensate a little their lack of intelligence. Most Thugs don't grow very old as sooner or later they pick the wrong person to pester.