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Currently displaying 4 Creatures: Combat Level - 1
Giant Qwerky
Level: 1
Area: Road
Type: Beast
An almost cute little animal but with huge teeth. It's called a Qwerky as nobody exactly knows what it is. Often commoners try and capture these little creatures to be kept as a pet.

Mole Rat
Level: 1
Area: Plains
Type: Animal
The sharp teeth and strong muscled cheeks of a Mole Rat can bite through even the thickest leather boots. Luckily these amazing creatures are almost blind giving their opponent a fair fighting chance.

Level: 1
Area: Forest
Type: Animal
A cute little rabbit with 2 very sharp teeth. Perfect for eating carrots and other vegetables.

Training Dummy
A Training Dummy used by Drill Sergeants to each young warriors how to fight.